The Milton R. Young Station, a mine-mouth, electric generating plant located near Center, N.D., is a primary source of electrical generation for Minnkota Power Cooperative.
Headquartered in Grand Forks, N.D., Minnkota provides adequate, reliable and affordable electric energy to 11 associated distribution cooperatives, three in eastern North Dakota and eight in northwestern Minnesota.
Named for the late senator from North Dakota, the Milton R. Young Station consistently ranks among the lowest-cost, lignite-fueled power plants in the United States.
The Young Station consists of two units. Young 1, which began producing electricity in 1970, is owned and operated by Minnkota. It has the capacity to produce 250,000 kilowatts (kW) of electricity and is a main source of generation for more than 124,000 customers served by the associated cooperatives.
Young 2, with a 455,000-kW generating capacity, began producing electricity in 1977. It is owned by Square Butte Electric Cooperative and operated by Minnkota. Square Butte was formed by the Minnkota associated cooperatives to meet the increasing electrical demand of their member-owners and to provide electricity to Minnesota Power, an investor-owned utility based in Duluth, Minn.
The output from Young 2 is purchased under contract by Minnkota and Minnesota Power. In 2009, monumental deals were completed to transfer 100 percent of Young 2’s output to Minnkota by 2026. The agreements will secure Minnkota’s future power supply through at least 2030.

The Milton R. Young Station is located four miles east and three miles south of Center, N.D.
An abundant, low-cost coal supply from the nearby Center Mine, owned and operated by BNI Coal, has played a key role in the plant’s success.
The energy supplied by the Young Station powers farms, schools, businesses, taconite producers, paper and pulp mills, and other industrial facilities, as well as many residential homes.
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